Congo aan zet

16 March 2024 - Kuumba

Congo aan zet

A day dedicated to campaigning country Congo


 Morning: Panel discussion on Congo's history, the work of our partner organisations and the Congolese diaspora in Belgium. MO* journalist Elien Spillebeen talks to:

- Lieve Herijgers (director Broederlijk Delen)

- Zana Etambala (KU Leuven and AfricaMuseum)

- Sandrine Ekofo and Séphora Wondo (policy staff Broederlijk Delen)

- Freddy Mumba and Don Béni Peloto (campaign guests and staff Congolese partner organisation)

- Joël Ndombe (Kolamela vzw)

lunch: Congolese buffet

Afternoon: Walk in Matongé with guides from Kuumba asbl.

Practical info:

- Location: Kuumba, Passerstraat 5, Anderlecht

- Price: pay what you can (suggestion: 5 euros).

- Buffet: 15 euro - Registration: