Agenda March
1 March 2025 -

07/03 Iftar at ours [from 17:30] @Kuumba
03/03 to 07/03 Beats ft. y'all - music production workshop [13:30 -15:30]
Address: Nieuwland 198, 1000 Brussels
14/03 Iftar: Gekleurde wijsheid [17:00] @Kuumba
21/03 OutSpoken: Racism @Kuumba
21/03 Film screening: ‘All under the same sun’ [20:30] @Kuumba
22/03 Iftar at ours [from 17:30] @Kuumba
29/03 FamilyDay! [14:00 - 17:00] @Kuumba
29/03 Workshop for women: Henna in Fassi style,
in collaboration with Mama Bolingo [14:00 - 17:00] @Kuumba